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Wins vs Development

Active HQ Member

I was listening to Bill Simmons on his pod he was talking with Michael Lombardi and they went down a mini rabbit hole at the end of the pod talking about coaches winning and keeping their job vs developing players. I think intially they were talking about how Doc Rivers was forced to play Maxey and how he wouldnt be the player he is now if he wasnt forced to get mins early in his career. What do you guys think 4 games in I feel like we might have that log jam problem because we don't have enough minutes to push for the play in while also getting young players better. IE Black and Jett. I feel us as fans this year need to identify where we are at this year and if we want to make the next step in team development, I think we are going to have to trade some players.
All this to say what do you guys think who are the movable pieces on the roster who would be a player who fits the squad timeline wise. I personally love Fultz as much as the next guy but since he is an expiring, I feel like he is a valuable trade asset. It could be an overreaction but teams are packing the paint agnist us we need to add a shooter to the starting lineup to provide spacing.

Topic starter Posted : 01/11/2023 12:42 pm
Member Admin Registered

That's the big debate, but i think the Magic have finally turned the corner and their focus is now to try to win while still trying to develop their core players.  Core players in my eyes are Wendell, Paolo, Franz, Suggs, and Cole.  Markelle is definitely a part of the core as well, but he needs to stay healthy and hit shots in order to stay a part of that core of players.  I think Chuma is gone this offseason, but outside of that, everyone has a chance to step in and contribute and earn minutes on this team.  Just look at what Anthony Black has done the last couple of games.  If that continues, it'll be interesting to see how Mosley responds.

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Posted : 05/11/2023 12:09 pm
Active HQ Member

i personally love Fultz but since we've traded for Fultz we've drafted Cole, Suggs (Who we expected initially was a point) and now Black so essentially, you've drafted three PGs in the last 4 years after acquiring Markelle. Makes me almost believe the Magic FO are one foot in one foot out with Markelle. (Blame it on the shooting or blame it on the injuries - blame it on both) Reality is if Black can turn into an elite level PG and can hit the 3 consistently it immediately makes Markelle expendable. I don't believe that's this season but wouldn't be surprised if it did happen. 


Posted : 05/11/2023 2:21 pm
Active HQ Member

Franz and Paolo are the young core that truly matter in my opinion, because they take us to the ultimate goal. The rest of the players young or old need to fit them. So even though, black, cole, fultz, wcj, etc... are all good players, if they ultimately are not the best fit, I want them moved at some point. This season is tricky, because we want to develop players but choosing to develop could cost us... and what I mean by that, is the best way for franz and paolo to develop is by getting to the playoffs and experiencing high press playoff games sooner then later. So even though Black might need time on the court and could be the better fit long term, we likely need fultz to play so we can definitely get to the playoffs, for the sake of franz and paolo. 

Posted : 05/11/2023 3:46 pm
Active HQ Member

Hope so this injury could be a killer to Fultz in Orlando if Black keeps balling out he gives them a better defender already which is a good combo to have with Franz and Paolo. Thats the crappy thing about following the team so closely you look at any asset we have that still has value and its hard not to feel attachd to them. Tough decisions about lineup and tough decisions if we actually wanna make a move for a Buddy Heild type guy the floor spacing he would add would really benefit our starting unit

Topic starter Posted : 06/11/2023 10:03 pm
Member Admin Registered

@bkkmagic Buddy has been one of my ideal targets for years.  Compared to what other shooters command, money wise, he doesn't have a horrible contract and can help so much with the spacing we badly need.

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Posted : 08/11/2023 1:45 pm
bkkmagic reacted
Active HQ Member

@ozonemagicpodcast Yeah, bro. It is the same way that good offensive linemen do not come up for grabs very often in the NFL. The same is true for elite shooters who are not terrible on defense. 

Topic starter Posted : 09/11/2023 2:30 pm